Friday, February 27, 2009

This is why I love...

my little guy!

He comes to me and says, "Mom! Today is Wacky Hair Day and I need to do my hair!"

Mind you, it's 8:40 and we have to catch the bus in 10 minutes. So, I run to the bedroom, grab my comb and hairspray and go to town. Poor kid... he'll play heck trying to get all that teasing out of his hair. He was so thrilled, God love him. I just shook my head. I teased and sprayed and teased and sprayed. It may take a jack hammer to get that hairspray out but he loved it. That's what really counts right?

I can't wait to scrap this photo. He's so darn cute!


Kristie W. said...

He's such a cutie!

BunnyKissd said...

Adorable! ^o^ Totally priceless pic!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, he is simply a doll, Lissa!

Looks like he's gonna have fun!