Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When did this happen?

Today my little boy came home from school with his long awaited Spring portraits. I was kind of shocked when I saw it. I am unprepared to see the more mature way he is holding his hands. The maturity of his position, the sly but gentle grin on his face. I was unprepared for his eyes to look at me the way they do. I wasn't ready for him to look, well, older.

My heart strings got tight, my eyes began to tear. I wanted to bind up my not-so-little little boy and make him stay small a while longer. I wanted to hold him close and pretend I can still cuddle him like a baby while he looked at me like all babies look at their mommas with all the love and adoration they have in all their tiny little bodies. I wanted to stop time for a while and share some more time with my boy while he still thinks his momma is his best girl. The time is quickly coming when he's not going to want me to hold his hand, share his secrets, or simply look at him in public. I'm not prepared for this. I'm not prepared for my boy to be growing this fast.

Isn't he gorgeous though? My blue eyed, dimple cheeked, happy loveable boy. The dimpled blue eyed baby I had asked God for couldn't be a more wonderful gift. My growing up boy...

I love you my growing up boy...

Peace and blessings,


BunnyKissd said...

Aboslutely adorable! He is growing big!

NikiRay said...

awwww...What a great picture Mom!! You did good :)

Jodi said...

What a great picture! I feel your pain. lol

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate! My son is 23 and my daughter is about to turn 13. I'll be posting my daughter's spring picture as soon as it comes home and she is looks way too grown up also.

cal8007 said...

Oh, Lissa,
My sentiments exactly. I had a moment like that one day and now my little boy is almost 40 with two little boys of his own, one of which is becoming an amazing young man.

Life goes on...



Tara O said...

I know how you feel...it's so hard to see them grow right before your eyes. Sometimes I just want to make them stop, ESPECIALLY before they hit the teen phase.

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully handsome boy, Lissa! He is an absolute doll! I hear you sister on feeling those feelings! I lament the day when John will start school! Hang in there, girl!